DVD 136 mins IMDB 5.6
In Collection

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Action, Thriller, Sci-Fi
USA  /  English

Clint Eastwood Mitchell Gant
Freddie Jones Kenneth Aubrey
David Huffman Buckholz
Warren Clarke Pavel Upenskoy
Ronald Lacey Semelovsky
Kenneth Colley Colonel Kontarsky
Klaus Löwitsch General Vladimirov
Nigel Hawthorne Pyotr Baranovich
Stefan Schnabel First Secretary
Thomas Hill General Brown

Director Clint Eastwood
Producer Clint Eastwood; Paul Hitchcock
Writer Craig Thomas; Alex Lasker

A pilot is sent into the Soviet Union on a mission to steal a prototype jet fighter that can be partially controlled by a neuralink

Edition Details
Region Region 1
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
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