DVD 105 mins IMDB 7.2
The Lathe of Heaven
In Collection

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USA  /  English

Bruce Davison George Orr
Peyton E. Park Mannie Ahrens
Niki Flacks Penny Crouch
Kevin Conway Dr. William Haber
Vandi Clark Aunt Ethel
Bernadette Whitehead George's Mother
Jo Livingston George's Father
Jane Roberts Grandmother
Tom Matts Grandfather
Frank Miller Parole Officer

Director Fred Barzyk; David R. Loxton
Producer Fred Barzyk; Carol Brandenburg
Writer Diane English; Ursula K. Le Guin

George Orr, a man whose dreams can change waking reality, tries to suppress this unpredictable gift with drugs...

Edition Details
Region Region 1
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
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