DVD 96 mins IMDB 5.6
Rumor Has It...
Warner Bros. (2005)
In Collection

Seen It:
Comedy, Drama, Romance
USA  /  English

Jennifer Aniston Sarah Huttinger
Kevin Costner Beau Burroughs
Shirley MacLaine Katharine Richelieu
Mark Ruffalo Jeff Daly
Richard Jenkins Earl Huttinger
Christopher McDonald Roger McManus
Steve Sandvoss Scott
Mena Suvari Annie Huttinger
Mike Vogel Blake Burroughs
Rob Lanza New Year's Eve M.C.

Director Rob Reiner
Producer Bruce Berman; Steven Soderbergh; Len Amato
Writer Ted Griffin

A young woman, Jennifer Aniston, is on a trip back home with her love for her sister’s wedding. As she gets a case of cold feet she decides to explore the rumors that have haunted her family. She sets out on a quest determined to find out if her mother and grandmother really are the basis for “The Graduate” but learns more about herself than mom. As she meets the man, Kevin Costner, that possibly both her mother and her grandmother slept with, she falls for him and sleeps with him as well. With her life spinning in circles her grandmother steps in to clear things up.

Edition Details
Distributor Warner Home Video
Edition Widescreen Edition
Barcode 012569701359
Region Region 1
Release Date 09-May-06
Screen Ratio 1.85:1
Subtitles English; French; Spanish
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Price $12.98
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