DVD 90 mins IMDB 5.8
In Collection

Seen It:
Drama, Mystery
Costa Rica  /  Spanish

Jorge Perugorría Vicente Vallejo
Cuca Escribano Abigail
Maya Zapata Irene
Roberto McLean Jackson
Vinicio Rojas Ezequiel
Thelma Darkings Lorraine
Bismark Méndez Rupert
Leonardo Perucci Gonzalo
Arnoldo Ramos Sanabria
Gabriel Retes Lloyd

Director Esteban Ramírez
Producer Peter Avilés; Rodolfo Montes de Oca
Writer Ana Istarú; Anna Iztaru

Passion: of people for the land and sea, of corporations for riches, and of men and women for each other...

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Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
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In fall 2005, this became the first-ever Costa Rican film to be submitted to the Academy Awards. Competing against over fifty other movies from around the world, it failed to be nominated for the 2006 Best Foreign Film Oscar.